Wednesday, October 8, 2008

About Me...

I'll keep adding to this post with random shit about me. Yep, I'm that arrogant. Also, please feel free to point out spelling errors, grammatical errors, or nonfactual statements. I'll probably even correct them. User Profile
Beer Advocate Profile
Digg Profile
Delicious Bookmark's Page

So, a few things. One, here are things I am guaranteed to talk about: beer, homebrewing, scotch, politics, music, art, food, maybe philosophy, law, and did I say beer?

A New Blog is Born...

...probably every minute. But, here's another one. No mission statement yet, no plan, no agenda even. Just the thoughts of one guy named Seth R. Feldman...

Things to see in the future of this blog: lots of beer commentary, recipes, random political commentary, the occasional cute picture of a cat or two, philosophical ramblings, etc, etc.