Friday, May 13, 2011


This damn blogging service took down/deleted my post that had three youtube links in it? Doesn't google own youtube? Why would they care if I posted links to three videos?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 1, Honorable Mentions

Yeah, I'm going to be this fucking self-indulgent and think you care about the other possible favorite songs. At least I'm not clogging up your Facebook feed with 4 youtubes a day.

3 honorable mentions/runner-ups:
Jawbox - Mirrorful
Yeah, Savory is a harder, more killer song. But this is straight out of Seth's life, 1996. On Alternative Nation or 120 Minutes, I bought the song, and it changed my music listening life forever, adding a whole new dimension or two. As important as Hum in making me realize the reward for finding music that touched me was well worth the effort.

Jaga Jazzist - Swedgenborgske Rom
Whenever I'm asked about favorite songs I think of this and mention it. It's compositional, not rock, but I love shit like this. This song almost makes me teary even when I'm just listening to it as I write about it.

Shiner - Cake
The only reason Shiner didn't make the top song is because I can't even fucking pick. This band was my other nickname in law school, besides feldspar. I tore up their shirt playing football. I went to their shows before I had show fans in chicago and met cool people because of it. I was at this show posted below. This is how they originally ended their most rocking record, Lula Divinia. I suppose I could have picked "The Simple Truth" from The Egg.