Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ten Albums...

Not my official Best of 2009, but definitely my favorite new stuff over the past few months.

1. Sunset Rubdown - Dragonslayer

2. Japandroids - Post-Nothing

3. The Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca

4. Clues - s/t

5. Crystal Antlers - Tentacles

6. Disappears - Live over the Rainbo

7. Yppah - They Know What Ghost Know

8. The Poison Arrows - First Class, and Forever

9. From Monument to Masses - Of Little Known Frequencies

10. Cymbals Eat Guitars - Why There are Mountains

Honorable Mentions:

Wooden Shjips - Dos

Antlers - Hospice

Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Dan Deacon - Bromst