Thursday, June 3, 2010


Life is about choices. Those choices lead to many paths, and eventually you have to take one to find what it is that makes you happy, and what it is that makes you successful, and they're linked. I'm pretty sure my father would agree on that account. Every failure, bad choice, accident, mistake, and success leads you further on that path and aids you in keeping that connection between the two alive, as you find your way in a world of absurdity, conflict, challenge, and the overcoming of obstacles. Vigilance is importance. Relying on luck, the road to failure. You make this path yourself, with your decisions, and your tenacity. You shape this path as you choose, and when you think you've chosen wrong, you must think, analyze, and decide again. When you know you've chosen wrong, you certainly must do those things, all in the name of finding a peace amongst all the apparent chaos and randomness.

You must choose, and you must act like each choice might be the blow of an expert pugilist upon your chin, and your chin must be iron and without fear of the pugilist that is the absurdity of life. You are the forger of your own order, and your will is the hammer. Hammer away. Shape things as you want.

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